Eventwise Features

With 1 in 6 events going under, ineffective spreadsheets and thrown-together budgets don’t cut it anymore. You need an end-to-end platform that delivers unwavering cost-control, accuracy and unmatched efficiency. Introducing Eventwise.

All-in-one Event Management Solution

Budget Creation

Effortlessly create and manage your event budgets with our intuitive budgeting tool. Build structured budgets designed for creatives and have your whole team working in one platform, ensuring complete alignment.

All-in-one Event Management Solution

Scenario Planning

Anticipate and navigate through various scenarios with ease. Whether a headliner has pulled out and you need a replacement or a storm has been forecast the same weekend as your festival – Our scenario planning feature empowers you to make informed decisions on how to proceed by modelling different financial scenarios and predicting their impact on your bottom line.

All-in-one Event Management Solution

Ticket Tracking

Simplify event management with our ticket tracking system. Keep a close eye on attendance, sales, and other critical metrics to ensure your events are not just successful but also financially rewarding. Directly integrate with ticket sellers like Eventbrite and automatically sync ticket counts with our sales tracking reports ensuring your budget is always up to date.

All-in-one Event Management Solution

Purchase Orders

Streamline your procurement process with our purchase order management. Made specifically for the events industry, Eventwise lets you track and manage multiple, ever-changing purchase orders. By directly syncing your purchase orders with your budget, you can ensure a transparent and efficient procurement workflow.

All-in-one Event Management Solution


Accelerate decision-making with our approval workflow. Built to accommodate multiple stakeholders and freelancers, Eventwise provides customised approval processes and user permissions. We work around your team structure ensuring that critical decisions are made promptly and efficiently.

All-in-one Event Management Solution

Multi-Event Reporting

Access a birds-eye view of your event landscape with our multi-event reporting feature. Use consolidated data from previous events to gain actionable insights from which dates and locations are most popular, to which event types are most profitable – gain access to the data you need to make better decisions.

All-in-one Event Management Solution

Revenue Management

With multiple revenue streams, that are constantly fluctuating, it’s easy to lose track of your event’s overall financial performance. With robust revenue management features, Eventwise delivers real-time insights into your revenue so you can make real-time, data-driven decisions to boost your profitability.

All-in-one Event Management Solution


Take the hassle out of complex payruns spanning multiple budgets with automated payruns. Ensure all your suppliers are paid on time, every time.


Got Questions


How long does set-up take?

Eventwise specialists can set up your account and budgets or you can do this yourself with our training

How long does it take to see ROI?

The annoying answer is, ‘it depends’ - that’s why we created our ROI calculator, so you can see what to expect for your specific events.

What if I don’t want to manage the finances myself at all?

We also provide accountancy services, where we take full responsibility for the accounting of your event.

Ready to get started?

Our team of experts are on hand to show you specifically how Eventwise can help and get you up and running in no time.

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